Nana Quame Godfred Obour watch clottey beat manny on 13th of this month...because from my research Terry Campo defeated manny and Terry is not better than Clottey.whatalso happened on 4th June 1994 between ike Quartey and the most feared boxer in that year(Chris Santo Spana)...or between Hasim Raman and Lewis will repeat it self.. Mannynow eat 5 times..that is one of the most stupid things to do.....All the media is behind manny but that si not the point..Boxing is not like football but clottey all the way...manny will cry with his wife and kids and his entire family that day and i want all his fun to know that sartuday will be the D-day for manny.....things gonna fire him and he will fall into the gutter like milk conko and he will vanish like agboglogboshobo and he will fall into the down stairs.......
Don Chikara
:my son,
your knowledge of boxing is not as up to scratch as your fathers'- let me educate you on the intricacies of this very fight stage-named 'the event', giving just about two reasons why it's unthinkable for anybody to believe joshua can even pull an upset.
1) on a scale of 1 - 10 where connectivity of punches are concerned, joshua 2 - pacman 8, why? because pacman is a moving target and very difficult to hit with any blows to cause even the slightest damage. then again he has one of the strongest tried and tested chins in the welterweight division as evidenced in his destruction of miguel angel cotto to annex the 7th title in as many weight divisions.
miguel cotto beat joshua, and the only reason for that is because the latter just did not do enough when he had the upper-hand to make the title his very own. manny does not give you a dog's chance to dictate the pace to him, he's onto your last balls between your legs from rd1.
the question here is, can joshua absorb the pressure? NO
2) clottey is orthodox against a laterally positioned southpaw pacquaio, and from even just watching video clips of older battles these guys have fought, i see a clear disadvantage for clottey because he towers a shade above pacman and his chin is up there in the skies for the sledgehammer left hook which will drop him on the floor a confused mess.
okay son, i'm even kinda hungry right now... lets all wait for sunday.... na dat b wen u go c sey man pass man. :)
your knowledge of boxing is not as up to scratch as your fathers'- let me educate you on the intricacies of this very fight stage-named 'the event', giving just about two reasons why it's unthinkable for anybody to believe joshua can even pull an upset.
1) on a scale of 1 - 10 where connectivity of punches are concerned, joshua 2 - pacman 8, why? because pacman is a moving target and very difficult to hit with any blows to cause even the slightest damage. then again he has one of the strongest tried and tested chins in the welterweight division as evidenced in his destruction of miguel angel cotto to annex the 7th title in as many weight divisions.
miguel cotto beat joshua, and the only reason for that is because the latter just did not do enough when he had the upper-hand to make the title his very own. manny does not give you a dog's chance to dictate the pace to him, he's onto your last balls between your legs from rd1.
the question here is, can joshua absorb the pressure? NO
2) clottey is orthodox against a laterally positioned southpaw pacquaio, and from even just watching video clips of older battles these guys have fought, i see a clear disadvantage for clottey because he towers a shade above pacman and his chin is up there in the skies for the sledgehammer left hook which will drop him on the floor a confused mess.
okay son, i'm even kinda hungry right now... lets all wait for sunday.... na dat b wen u go c sey man pass man. :)
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